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Chad Oppenheim Designing Retail Building With Drippy Facade in the Design District

Miami architect Chad Oppenheim, known for his signature white box-shaped condo towers here and there around Miami, although he does design curves, has designed a small retail building for Dacra in the Design District just a few blocks away at 4039 NE 41st Avenue from his office. Called Stardust East, the three story building has a droopy facade that looks almost Antonio Gaudi-like, if Mr. Gaudi was on a minimalist streak. According to The Next Miami, the design has been submitted to the City of Miami’s Urban Design Review Board and will be reviewed next week.

South Beach’s Marlin Hotel Shows Off Renovated Lobby & Guest Rooms

Under new ownership, South Beach’s Marlin Hotel went under the knife last summer for a renovation and expansion of the historic art deco hotel, including redone public spaces and guest rooms, as well as an increase in the guest room count from 14 to 32, a rooftop pool, and, as a press release puts it, a new “fashion retail concept.”

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Anthony Shriver, JFK’s Nephew, Lists Miami Beach House for $1.699 Million

Anthony Shriver, that’s Anthony Paul Kennedy Shriver, JFK’s nephew and the noted activist for people with intellectual disabilities (he founded Best Buddies International), has just placed his rather sunny little house at 6145 La Gorce Drive on the market for $1.699 million.

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Bjarke Ingels Watches His New Miami Towers Twist Into Shape

Bjarke Ingels has been called “architecture’s it boy” more than once. He’s young for an architectural superstar, he’s wicked talented, and although he began as a protege of that Patrician of architecture, Rem Koolhaas, Bjarke gleefully seems to turn ‘high architecture’ on its ear. Right now, Ingels is working on a pair of twisty condo towers in Coconut Grove called Grove at Grand Bay, his first Miami project and potentially his first completed project in the Americas. Gridics interviewed him and project developer David Martin when Bjarke was in town to check on the buildings’ progress.

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Construction Begins on Flagler Street’s Big Redo

Construction began last week on the big renovation of Downtown Miami’s Flagler Street. According to the project’s website “construction fencing was up and in-field mobilization” began on Phase One of the project, the block in front of the Dade County Courthouse, on January 4th. A week later, the road has been ripped up and new sewer/drainage things are lined up, ready to go into place.

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Eclectic Floridian Bungalow on San Marino Island is Looking for $6.45 Million

There’s a famous old real estate saying, ‘Buy land, they’re not making any more of it.’ However true or not this may actually be, replace ‘land’ with ‘single family houses in Miami’ and you’re in the money. Miami has run out of room for single family homes, condos dominate the residential real estate market by a long shot, and a good one, especially with character, history, and flair, is priceless.

A really great, classic Miamian house from the earlier decades of the 20th century, beautifully restored, and tintilatingly decorated with eclectic modern art, and modern and vintage interiors, is on the market for $6.45 million. Located at 251 E. San Marino Drive, the house’s relatively modest 3,000 square feet-or-so size puts the house at risk of being replaced by one much larger, which is almost the norm in Miami Beach these days. It comes with sunny green shutters, bright living areas, a fabulous pool patio, a curving staircase, a fireplace, and even an original pink tile bathroom with a flamingo theme.

Check Out This Time-Lapse Video of the Frost Museum of Science’s Construction

The people of the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science put together a time-lapse video of the construction of the museum’s brand new home in Museum Park, which Gridics recently toured, and, well, it’s kind of nifty.

Update: the museum is almost out of money, and the county is working on a plan to save them and finish construction. In the meantime, distract yourself with the video.