Municipalities large and small are turning to the Gridics platform to facilitate transparent development regulations, provide click-button, comprehensive real estate data, and help municipal staff serve the community more efficiently through online services.
For Immediate Release: April 11, 2023
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Marysville, CA — Gridics LLC announced a new partnership with Yuba County, CA to adopt the Gridics municipal zoning intelligence platform. The Gridics municipal zoning platform is the first of its kind to combine regulations broadly outlined in the zoning text with property records, parcel shapes, and geo-spatial analytics to output parcel-specific development potential and zoning allowance data such as density, buildable capacity, allowed uses, setbacks, heights, and other dimensional requirements at the parcel specific level. Gridics will deliver to Yuba County its MuniMap app which provides an array of search tools and parcel data that integrates directly with the zoning ordinance via its CodeHUB ordinance publishing app to put all the information in one easy to access online location to better serve its citizens.
By upgrading its online zoning information services with Gridics, Yuba County aims to reduce common daily questions from citizens and help staff members more quickly respond to service requests. In addition, Yuba County will have the ability to leverage the parcel level housing capacity data to conduct data-driven long range planning. Lastly, county staff can leverage the Gridics platform to model the real-time impact of zoning changes to increase transparency for citizens and elected officials.
The combination of the Gridics ability to output parcel-specific zoning records proves to be a natural fit for municipalities like Yuba County that are looking for ways to use technology to drive efficiencies, attract new development, and deliver world-class citizen services.
“Yuba County is the latest California municipality to upgrade their tech and data with the Gridics platform. Since launching a few years ago, we have seen tremendous support from municipalities across the US, and we are proud to add Yuba County to our family of municipal partners,” says Jason Doyle, CEO of Gridics.
About Gridics: Gridics develops real estate data and software applications in the area of zoning analysis and interpretation, scenario planning, site-selection, and urban planning professional services. For more information, visit