Published: May 3, 2019
The City of Albuquerque needed to analyze proposed zoning code changes that would increase density around stations along a new BRT transit line. These changes are expected to be enacted as a new zoning regulation.
The City of Albuquerque engaged Gridics, Urban 3, Crab Tree Group, DPZ, Placemakers, and CNT to provide recommendations and understand the development potential along the new transit line. Gridics’ ZoneIQ technology was used to analyze empty lots and understand the potential of proposed zoning changes.
ZoneIQ data was then used for tax and financial forecasting, to analyze potential infrastructure demand, and to model new incentives to encourage development. ZoneIQ identified unwanted outcomes with the new code in study, including non-compliance of empty parcels. Alternative solutions were tested with ZoneIQ in real-time at public workshops.
Results are currently being used to create new legislation for the proposed TOD.