Every day, there’s a new article predicting the rise and fall of Miami’s notoriously complex real estate market.
To make sense of the speculation, we went back to the data.
Not just any old back of the napkin calculations… The cold, hard, street-level data. In other words, we wanted to know exactly what’s happening in our own Miami backyard.
Through the Gridics hyper-local real estate platform, we compiled data across key Miami neighborhoods and cross-referenced those trends with news articles, demographic information, and top agent insight.
Our findings can be found in our first-ever Q1’17 Miami Neighborhood Trends Report.

This report is crucial to the future of your business, and here’s why…
1) Know the Neighborhoods — Every Miami neighborhood is defined by its own set of characteristics. The prices fluctuate differently, the demographics are varied, and most importantly, the way of life and local hotspots are completely unique.
As a real estate professional, you’re expected to be in fifty places at one time. We know this is an impossible expectation, so that’s why we compiled neighborhood summaries for you in one report. Consider it a one-stop-shop for the quarterly real estate pulse in major Miami markets.
2) Stay Two Steps Ahead — The best real estate professionals are the ones who understand where the market has been, what the landscape currently looks like, and how conditions will shift in the future.
The power of Gridics.com, combined with our Q1’17 Market report, provides real estate professionals like you with the insights necessary to stay ahead of your clients and competition.
3) Demonstrate Your Expertise — An organized, intelligent report is one thing. But we’re taking it one step further…

Now, you can brand/customize your own Q1’17 Market Trends report to send to clients. Imagine generating an industry-leading real estate report with your picture, logo, and contact information and delivering it to clients with just a few clicks.
There’s no better way to demonstrate your credibility. Provide value in the form of helpful real estate insights. Be the expert your clients will rely on again and again.