Before the City of Coral Gables was anything else, it was a gabled house faced in the local stone known as coral rock but more precisely called oolitic limestone, on a farm. That house, owned by city founder George Merrick, inspired the construction of a number of others in the same distinctive rock in those early days. This house, built in 1925 at 3903 Granada Boulevard, and now on the market for $1.696 million is one of those.
Before the City of Coral Gables was anything else, it was a gabled house faced in the local stone known as coral rock but more precisely called oolitic limestone, on a farm. That house, owned by city founder George Merrick and now located on Coral Way, inspired the construction of a number of others in the same distinctive rock in those early days. This house, built in 1925 at 3903 Granada Boulevard, and now on the market for $1.696 million is one of those.
It’s a Coral Gables classic, set behind a deep front yard and large, shady trees. It has a pond with a waterfall, enclosed stone porch, wood floors, beamed ceilings, lots of original details, a two-car garage, and a lovely little back courtyard. The interiors are updated and comfortable, if slightly mundane, but don’t let them detract from the rest. Built for a pre-AC age of outdoor living, the house’s exterior is the real show stopper anyway.